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tami_space.jpg TAMI is a community-driven hackerspace located in Shoken street 19, southern Tel-Aviv.

Everything in TAMI is run entirely by volunteers: software and hardware techies, DIY enthusiasts, amateur wood and metalworking makers, scientists, artists and musicians - curious and creative people who want to build and create, together or alone, and want a space with good atmosphere, work equipment, and other people to talk, exchange ideas and cooperate with.

We are a do-ocracy, meaning that whoever is doing something is the person who decides how it gets done. Any group projects, building/planning new space facilities, etc. - all gets done because an ordinary member thought it was important, got people excited about it, and followed through.

We are open for anyone, no matter whether you are experienced or just a beginner!

Join us online (see Contact section below).
Get acquainted with the space.
Visit our events or organize your own.
Donate and contribute to support TAMI.
Be an active TAMI member.


We have various digital channels, but TAMI is 1st-of a physical space. Come on over

  • Phone: 03-372-66-60
    Call us at any time, and if someone is in the space, they will answer.
  • XMPP:
    It is bridged to Telegram.
  • IRC: #tami at
    It is bridged to Telegram (main channel only ATM).


We are located in Shoken street 19, southern Tel-Aviv. If you are coming for the first time, it is better to chat/call us to make sure the space is open or visit it during one of the events.

Latest Wiki changes

See all Wiki changes here.


  • trashware [Build Your Own Computer Without Buying Anything!] — Julian Daich 2024/10/12 21:12
welcome.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/22 17:28 by tami