====== Events ======
There is a lot going on in TAMI. For a list of all events and their details (description, hours, etc.) visit our [[https://www.meetup.com/tel-aviv-makers-tami|Meetup]]. Information about events happening this day (if there are some) is also posted by our bot to [[https://matrix.to/#/#tami:telavivmakers.space|Matrix]] and [[https://t.me/addlist/IQ6HaZR1AWY4Y2Fi|Telegram]] every day in the morning.
It is common for TAMI when several events happen at the same time (in parallel). It is also ok if you come to TAMI and work on your own things during some event. Just always make sure with event organizers that you don't disturb others.
If you are going to visit an event, please, RSVP on Meetup so organizers will be aware about you coming.
===== Hosting your own event =====
TAMI is always open for you to organize an event. If you are curious what kind of events are appropriate for the space, just examine [[https://www.meetup.com/tel-aviv-makers-tami/events/past/|past events]] to get an idea. In general, it can be anything: a lecture/presentation about some interesting topic, a craft or art workshop, a meeting to discuss something, watch a movie or just maintain TAMI space itself.\\
If you want to host an event, speak to us, and we would be very happy to discuss and schedule it for you.
===== Regular events =====
Some events in TAMI are so in demand so they are held regularly.
Note!\\ It is always better to double check (chat/call us or check in [[https://www.meetup.com/tel-aviv-makers-tami/events/|Meetup]]) whether an event is going to be this week.
**Guaranteed Open Night**\\
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The space opens for all visitors. TAMI [[tamiwiki:membership|members]] will be happy to show and explain about space areas, equipment, etc.\\ So if you are not sure when to come for the first time, Monday evening would be the best option ;)
**Repair Caffé**\\
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Come with your broken stuff, and we will fix it together. you may try by yourself, no guarantees ;)\\
The key is //together//: it is not "leave the broken thing, and we will do it for you"; it is DIY( do it yourself) and "be involved, help and learn with us".
register at [[https://www.meetup.com/tel-aviv-makers-tami/events/305612608/|meetup]]
**One Computer Per Human מחשב אחד לכל אדם** (From September 4th till September 25th, 2024)\\
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## בנה מחשב משלך בלי לקנות כלום!
**רוצה לחסוך כסף ולבנות מחשב משלך?**
**הצטרף [[tamiwiki:projects:projects:trashware|קורס]] בנית/הרכבת מחשבים ייחודי מבוסס על שימוש בזבל דיגיטלי
ותוכנה חופשית!**Build Your Own Computer Without Buying Anything!
Want to save money and build your own computer?
Join our unique computer building/assembly [[tamiwiki:projects:projects:trashware|course]] based on the use of
trashware and free software!
Register in [[https://www.meetup.com/tel-aviv-makers-tami/events/304098789|Meetup]]
**Tami Sonic: Electronic Music Workshop**
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We have music coding and DIY hardware oriented workshops (i.e. playing music using a computer and electronic instruments instead of or in addition to traditional musical instruments).\\
this event has been going on for 4-5 years now, every other Thursday.for more.
Register in [[https://www.meetup.com/tel-aviv-makers-tami/events/303763223|Meetup]]
**TAMI π תאמי**
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TAMI π is a curated meeting, workshop or presentation about a topic in math. It happens every two weeks at TAMI. The event is hosted by a different person each time. You can come, learn topics and share ideas in an open and informal atmosphere.
For dates and assuring your spot click [[https://www.meetup.com/tel-aviv-makers-tami/events/305795578|here]]
For proposing a presentation, topic or any other question you can contact [[tamiwiki:users:jdaich|jdaich]]
תאמי פי הוא מפגש, סדנה או מצגת על נושא במתמטיקה. אחת לשבועיים בתאמי.
את האירוע מנחה אדם אחר בכל פעם. מוזמנים לבוא, ללמוד ולחלוק רעיונות באווירה פתוחה ונעימה.
להצעת מצגת, נושא או כל שאלה אחרת ניתן לפנות ל [[tamiwiki:users:jdaich|jdaich]]
לתאריכים לחצו [[https://www.meetup.com/tel-aviv-makers-tami/events/305795578/|כאן]]