ETH0 and ETH1 - unassigned (please, don't plug anything there)
ETH2 - WAN port (connected to the Internet via PPPoE - Netgear DSL adapter)
ETH3 - LAN port (connected to the switch)
Virtual network setup in the Proxmox box
enp2s0-enp5s0 ⇒ ETH0-ETH3 in the Proxmox box respectively
enp4s0 - bridged to vmbr0 (connected to the OpenWRT VM as WAN)
enp5s0 - bridged to vmbr1 (connected to the OpenWRT VM as LAN and to the Yunohost VM as WAN)
The LAN port of the OpenWRT VM is connected to the switch via that same bridge.
OpenWRT IP ranges - statically assigned IPs (untouched by DHCP) - DHCP range - RFU
tamiwiki/infrastructure.1685298534.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/28 21:28 by corshunov