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TAMI hosts a wide verity of workshops. you can see past and future workshops in our page Some of the meetups are weekly some are bi-weekly and some are one off, it is mostly up to the organizer to decide.

Most of the workshops don't require payment, however it is nice if you donate to TAMI for your participation (you can ask the host what is a fair donation for that workshop).

If you have a workshop you want to make (either you guide it or you are interested in a topic) you are welcome to do so! As a general rule of thumb, if there is no meetup planned on that day in our page you can create one. You can post in the TAMI chat groups (matrix or telegram) help with that.

Here is some more extensive information on some of the workshops

tamiwiki/workshops.1700395730.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/19 14:08 by limesoda